National Trust Cottages

Jan 7, 2020

Last week we completed an external redecoration’s and roof renewal project to a number of cottages for The National Trust within the Surrey Hills area. The project was completed a few weeks behind schedule due to the great British weather we have had over the last couple of months. The contractor BATtled through the wind and rain and have now completed the re-roofing and external decorations works to a high standard.

Due to the roof voids being home to brown long-eared bats we had to wait for a suitable time of year for a bat survey to be commissioned and temporary re home the bats while the works were carried out. Although the contractor had encountered bats on previous projects we invited the ecologists to site to provide a toolbox talk and they supervised the removal of the ridge tiles and other areas where the bats maybe located. Four bats were found during this process and temporarily re homed in the nearby bat box.

The client and their tenants were very happy with the works completed as were the bats who now have a nice warm and dry home to roost in.